Things I’ve worked on
and been part of
All Smart Cars
I built a website for an online used Smart Car parts seller. The customer essentially wanted a landing page for their business to make them more discoverable online. The main page includes CTAs to contact them and a link to their eBay store. Built with Next.js and Chakra UI.
CB AutoServices
I created a website for a reputable BMW and MINI specialist garage in Essex. The aim was to provide information about services on offer and to make it easy for customers to get in touch. Built with Next.js and Tailwind.
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Side Projects
Vehicles On Set
A marketplace platform where vehicle owners can list their vehicles for media companies to rent and use in TV and film productions.
Blog Factory
An AI-powered content generation tool designed to make it quick and easy to create blog articles.
Allergen Directory
I co-built a platform for finding places to eat and sharing food reviews for restaurants based on food allergies. Built with ASP.NET Core and Angular, using Elasticsearch for querying a large dataset of restaurants that were initially populated from a scraper. The project has since been decommissioned, but was a fun pet project for while.
React Simple Hook Modal
A lightweight and simple modal library for React. It uses React context and portals to render modals with a hook-based API. As of 2022 it consistently gets multiple hundreds of downloads from NPM per week. Built with TypeScript, TSDX and Tailwind.